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Verse and Prose in Fantasy Literature
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In this video, Katherine Olley gives an analysis of two forms that dominate fantasy literature: verse and prose.
Prosimetrum, the alternation between verse and prose as a narrative form, was an extremely popular form of writing in the ancient and medieval world. This talk asks why prosimetrum has survived as a literary form in modern fantasy literature and explores how fantasy writers like Tolkien and Kay employ shifts between verse and prose to dramatic effect within their work.
Transcript/subtitles (.srt) available here.
- Download: verse-and-prose-fantasy-literaturedefault.mp4 Video (175.51 MB)
- Download: Document (Subtitles) (26.26 KB)
Date Published: 16 December 2020
In Collection(s): J.R.R. Tolkien, Fantasy Literature: Further Thinking