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Pride and Prejudice title page
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The title page of the Richard Bentley edition of of Jane Austen's Pride and Prejudice, the first illustrated edition (1833). Elizabeth on the left, Lady Catherine on the right. They are shown wearking big-sleeved and big-skirted 1830's fashions, rather than the quasi-"Grecian" Empire Silhouette / Regency fashions which were worn during Jane Austen's adult life.
By Pickering & Greatbatch [Public domain], via Wikimedia Commons
- Download: Pickering_-_Greatbatch_-_Jane_Austen_-_Pride_and_Prejudice_-_This_is_not_to_be_borne%2C_Miss_Bennet.jpg Image (364.17 KB)
Date Published: 09 October 2012
In Collection(s): Celebrating women’s writing: the pen in their hands, Jane Austen