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New York newspaper advertisements and news items: 1777-1779

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ebook version of New York newspaper advertisements and news items: 1777-1779

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New York newspaper advertisements and news items : 1777-1779 creation of machine-readable versionTriggs, Jeffery s.n. (s.l.) s.d
Included are articles from: The American advertiser ; The American chronicle ; The American Minerva : an evening advertiser ; The Argus ; Argus Greenleaf’s New daily advertiser ; The Columbian gazetteer ; The commercial advertiser ; The constitutional gazette ; The country journal ; The daily advertiser ; The diary ; The evening register ; The French and American gazette ; Gazette of the United States ; The general advertiser ; The Goshen repository ; The herald ; The impartial gazetteer ; The independent journal ; The literary companion ; Loudon’s register ; The mercantile advertiser ; The mercantile evening advertiser ; The Minerva ; The New York chronicle ; The New-York daily advertiser ; The New-York gazette ; The New-York gazette ; The New-York journal ; The New-York Mercury ; The New-York morning post ; The New-York packet ; The New-York weekly chronicle ; The New-York weekly journal ; New-York weekly museum ; Rivington gazette ; Rivington’s New-York gazetteer ; The royal American gazette ; The Royal Gazette ; The spectator ; The weekly mercury ; The weekly museum ; The New-York weekly post-boy ; Patriotic register ; The spectator ; The time-piece ; Universal daily advertiser ; Universal advertiser ; The weekly museum ; The weekly post-boy

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Date Published: 30 March 2017